On-site Medical Display Calibration Services

The engineers at Double Black Imaging combine years of experience with technical competency and industry expertise to develop the perfect medical imaging workstation solutions for healthcare facility partners. Providing a wide array of medical display calibration and servicing options, the team develops recommendations based on industry best practices and insider-knowledge for PACS, Mammography/Tomo, Clinical, and surgical applications.

Each facility is a unique ecosystem that often requires specific or alternative monitor solutions, making onsite calibration services the only accurate way to ensure enterprise compliance with ACR, DICOM, and other Medical Imaging Standards. Double Black Imaging engineers treat each workstation as an individual solution to provide you with hyper-specific recommendations for each surveyed workspace.

Following the on-site calibration services, Double Black Imaging proposals may include recommendations regarding:

Call to Set Up your On-Site Survey!

Diagnostic Displays

Choosing the correct FDA-cleared display for PACS or Mammo/Tomo is a critical element in ensuring the best patient care and productivity for the radiologist.

Double Black Imaging helps you answer the following questions:

What display will best suit your needs?
• Studies to be read
• Color vs. Monochrome
• Size
• Resolution
• Layout

What does the Radiologist workflow look like?
• Which productivity tools will help optimize this?

What CPU or Workstation is required?
• DBI can provide these pre-configured with their systems/solutions

What is the ergonomic situation at the workstation?
• Would specific tables or desks improve workflow or comfort for the Radiologist?
• Mounting Options
• Sit to stand options

The team will then pair industry knowledge with comprehensive analysis to provide you with a list of choices that will best suit your specific diagnostic needs.

Surgical Displays

Medical image technology plays a critical role in the operating room.  Image quality as well as Medical Device safety and certification are vital within the surgical suite.

The on-site calibration service technicians help you answer the following questions:

Where will the monitors be positioned?
• How close to the patient will the monitors be during the procedure and transport?
• What Mounting options will be needed?
• Special Cabling requirements

How close will the displays come to bodily fluids?
• Special sanitization or sterilization may be required

What studies will be on the displays?
• Live images vs PACS in the OR
• What inputs will be required
• Signal switching requirements

Overall Surgical Suite layout
• Will the Surgical Monitors be stationary, Boom-Mounted, or Moved on OR Carts?

OR Cart Configuration Available

Once we’re certain that we understand your situation entirely, we will help you choose a Surgical Display solution that will satisfy your needs.

AFS (Attached Front Sensor) and CFS Calibration Software

In addition to medical LCD monitor selections and servicing, Double Black Imaging offers their AFS (Attachable Front Sensor) and CFS Calibration software for non-DBI PACS, Mammo, Clinical displays, and Surgical displays.  This combination allows medical display calibration and conformance to the DICOM 3.14 standard and remote calibration and reporting via the web.

Ergonomic Mounting and Furniture Configuration Recommendations

Double Black Imaging’s Ergonomic team recommends mounting and configuration solutions as determined by the onsite surveys and suggested medical display and calibration findings.  Each workspace and enterprise are tailored to reduce fatigue, improve workflow, and enhance comfort for the end user.

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