Author: Leona Werezak

17 Nov 2022

Benefits Of Mobile Radiology Imaging

Mobile radiology imaging services mean that certified technologists and radiologists travel to a medical facility, residence, or place of business with any equipment needed to complete a procedure and provide those services at that location. It not only includes portable X-Ray imaging but also ultrasound and EKG.

Mobile services are increasing in popularity because of changes in the way facilities administer healthcare and assess improvement.  Because mobile imaging services can provide faster, more cost-effective, and more convenient services compared to third-party facilities, they are being used more often.


Patient Benefits of Mobile Radiology Imaging


Typically, patients would expect to receive radiology services such as X-Ray, ultrasound, or EKG by traveling to a third-party imaging center or an in-house imaging department, or as an inpatient in a hospital traveling within the facility to the imaging department.

Faster and Cheaper Services

Besides being able to schedule an appointment faster than with traditional service providers, mobile radiology imaging results can be communicated faster to the ordering physician  This is possible because mobile imaging services are available 24 hours per day and often have 24-hour turnaround times. Another factor that makes mobile services faster is that the scans are available via online portals such as PACS within minutes.

Mobile radiology imaging services can be faster and cheaper than those available through traditional models at the sites discussed above. Reduced expense is achieved by having shorter response times and greater flexibility with mobile imaging. It is also cheaper for the patient because mobile imaging does not require patient travel to a facility for services.

Patient Care Benefits

Patient health is risked when the care team needs to interrupt the peace and quiet of the room to prepare the patient for transportation, transfer them to a different bed for travel, and/or disconnect treatment and transfer it to the transportation device.  When patients are already very ill, transportation increases risks.

Disruption of a tranquil environment presents health risks whether you are talking about the patient being transported or the patient in the room and who is also having their tranquility disrupted.  A quiet environment can help patients heal faster because it helps the patient sleep better.  When a patient is in a quiet environment, they experience fewer spikes in heart rate, decreased cortisol output, lower blood pressure, and reduced anxiety.

It should be noted that fewer staff need to enter the room and work with the patient when the imaging service comes to their room.  Because fewer people are entering the room and working with the patient at the same time, this results in less disruption to other patients in the room.


Avoiding Health Risks

Patients referred for imaging services while hospitalized face several risks to their health and safety during transportation to the Imaging department.  While being transported, the patient could be exposed to several health and safety risks, including:

  • infections (air-born acquired illnesses, infections from wounds, contact-born pathogens)
  • respiratory problems (ventilator, tracheostomy, and breathing assistance)
  • traumatic injury (falls, lacerations, hematomas)
  • medical complications (glucose regulation or acid-based homeostasis)
  • death

Avoiding Hospitalizations

In the past, a large number of hospital admissions of patients from nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities were related to falls, respiratory infections, and digestive system inabilities.  Being able to assess these patients at their residence can decrease the need for hospitalization.  Now many patients can be diagnosed, and a treatment plan can be identified without the need for hospital admission.


Facility/Staff Benefits


Decreased Costs

Mobile radiology imaging can be integrated into current services without extensive overhead costs.

From the facility’s perspective, it requires far fewer personnel to provide a mobile scan than one that is required to prep and transport a patient, especially if they are very ill and have multiple devices that must travel with them.

Busy third-party imaging facilities and hospitals suffer financial losses when many patients cancel on the same day due to inclement weather.  With mobile services, the patients stay where they are, and the imaging services come to them.

Mobile radiology imaging services can be incorporated into your current facility and service delivery model without adding space, equipment, or training.

Faster Results and Better Patient Treatment

Mobile imaging services can provide support to in-house imaging departments.  This assistance provides a quicker response to patients when the in-house service is not able to meet the demand of both in and outpatients.

Another variable that makes mobile imaging faster and less expensive is the turnaround time for disinfection.  Most mobile units can be disinfected and ready to use again in as few as 5 minutes compared to the 45 minutes that is usually required for a radiology suite.

Greater Medical Team Satisfaction

When imaging services come to the patient, the medical team experiences less stress.  Since fewer professionals are required to assist the imaging team, the medical team on the nursing unit is freed up to help other patients. Therefore, there can be fewer simultaneous demands on the team member’s time and energy.


Types of Imaging Available in a Mobile Setting


Currently, mobile imaging services include X-rays, EKGs, and ultrasound.  It is reasonable to expect that this list of services will increase in the future.


X-Ray procedures are performed for a variety of reasons.  They are used to detect gallstones and kidney stones, injury to bones, bone deformities, pneumonia or bronchitis, and even aspiration.  X-rays can also be used to verify bone healing or the placement of medical devices such as catheters, implantable pumps, or feeding tubes.


EKGs performed by a mobile service are used for the same purposes as those performed in-house.  They are used to identify heart attack, pericarditis, or angina as a cause of chest pain.  Also, it can identify the cause of symptoms of heart disease like shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting or rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeats, or palpitations.  EKGs can also monitor whether medications are improving a patient’s condition or whether they are causing side effects that impact cardiac functioning.  Finally, EKGs can assess heart health in the presence of concomitant conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, or smoking.


Ultrasound performed by a mobile radiology imaging service can detect various medical conditions, including abdominal aneurysms, arterial occlusion or blood clots, carotid occlusive disease, carotid artery disease, renal vascular disease, hypertension, and early signs of kidney failure.


Double Black Imaging Can Help With your Mobile Radiology Imaging Needs


Double Black Imaging has been working to make imaging more efficient since 2002.  We focus on keeping in step with new technology and trends in the industry.  It is also our passion to help you, our customers, stay on top of those trends.

We are known for our customer service and pride ourselves on providing the best in the industry.  Why?  Because we believe our job is to make your job easier.

One way to make work easier at your facility is to help you integrate mobile imaging services.

Are you ready to make that happen?  We are here to help you make it effortless, effective, and efficient.

Contact us here, email us at or call us at (877) 852-2870.  We look forward to helping you succeed!








12 Sep 2022

New Advancements in X-Ray Imaging

Scintillators, nanophotonic scintillators, nanophotonics, and HiP-CT are just a few of the new terms you will hear when discussing new developments in X-ray imaging.

All of these new advances in radiology help medical professionals see with greater detail and to perform analyses within the body, within the organ of interest.

Scintillators have been in use for approximately 70 years and have been used to develop brighter and faster light emissions.  Now, scientists are manipulating length scale and changing the optical properties of the technology.

Nanophotonic scintillators are created by making patterns inside the scintillators or gluing another material with holes in it onto the nanoscale.  Researchers have been able to calculate the scintillation levels that would be produced by any configuration of nanophotonic structures.

The process is complicated, and the framework could integrate three different types of physics.  The effort has been worth it though, because Charles Roques-Carmes1 at MIT has reported that they “have found a good match between their predictions and the results of their subsequent experiments.”

The belief is that this will open a new field of research in nanophotonics – using research that has already been done in the field of nanophotonics to improve existing materials that scintillate.

Soljacic1 reported a tenfold improvement in emission but stated that it is possible to get up to 100 times improvement – and it is speculated that this will only lead to further improvement.

This is just one development that led to the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)’s Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS)2.  The goal of this research was to image intact human organs to the cellular level in three dimensions.  Their research enabled them to perform non-destructive, three-dimensional (3D) scans in whole human organs at any location.  This technology has been used to image five intact human organ types:  brain, lung, heart, kidney, and spleen.

Previous attempts to scan whole organs at the cellular level have shown promise.  However, they often require the use of stain or contrast material, take a long time to obtain the scan, and/or cause damage to the human tissue.

Synchrotron X-ray tomography (sCT) has been used to develop the EBS that achieves high resolution compared to the size of the biological sample.


What These X-Ray Advancements Mean For The Medical World


The researchers indicated that they believe “the improvements in medical diagnostic X-rays and CT scans, will reduce dose exposure, and improve image quality.”  This in turn will justify the extra time and effort required to integrate these scintillators into existing X-ray machines. These new scintillators could also enable faster, more accurate inspections.

It is speculated that the combination of nanophotonic and scintillators could help you achieve higher resolution, reduced X-ray dose and perform energy-resolved X-ray imaging.

This technique could facilitate understanding of system-level behaviors in health or disease as well.

Claire Walsh2, a mechanical engineer from University College London who is working on the project, speculates that linking HiP-CT images to clinical images through AI techniques will enable validation of ambiguous findings in clinical images with a high degree of accuracy.

Walsh also conjectures that the detailed imagery obtained from HiP-CT will be used with machine learning to improve information deduced from clinical imaging such as MRI and CT scans.  It will also be able to better calibrate and improve current technologies in use.


How It Can Help Deliver Better Patient Care


The most notable benefit of these advances in radiology is that the patient receives a more accurate diagnosis.

Additionally, the studies are performed at a higher speed with a lower dose of radiation.


This New HiP-CT Technique Came After The Beginning Of The Global Pandemic


The use of HiP-CT was significantly impacted by COVID-19 – in a positive way.  HiP-CT was used during the pandemic to provide new insights into how the disease disrupts blood oxygenation.

After the beginning of the pandemic, researchers began to use several techniques that were used at ESRF to image large fossils.   This was combined with the EBS to allow researchers to see the extremely small vessels within a complete human organ so that it could be distinguished from the surrounding tissue.  This 3D visualization even allowed them to observe specific cells.  The HiP-CT bridges the scales between CT and MRI scans which can resolve down to just below a millimeter and histology, electron microscopy and other similar techniques that resolve structures with sub-micron accuracy but require small biopsies of tissue from an organ.

It was known during COVID-19 that a fundamental pathological sign of the disease was a sharp drop in blood oxygenation levels.  HiP-CT provided the first direct evidence  that this is a result of “shunting” in the lungs.

Danny Jonigk2 at Hannover Medical School, a researcher working in the project, stated that they combined these molecular methods with the HiP-CT multiscale imaging in lungs affected by COVID-19 pneumonia and gained new insight as to how “shunting” occurs in COVID-19 injured lungs and the impact it has on oxygen levels and the circulatory system.

Researchers compared findings or orthogonal 2D slices through a COVID-19 affected lung with HiP-CT images of the same lung prior to the microscopic analysis.  They both identified cavitation of lung parenchyma, alveolar obstruction, thickening of septa between adjacent alveoli and blood capillary occlusion with adjacent cellular infiltrates.  A 3D quantitative analysis revealed a decrease in the surface area-to-volume ratio and increased septal thickness between control versus COVID patients.

This information was used to develop a fourth-generation synchrotron source which has enabled hierarchical 3D imaging of multiple intact human organs. The images generated have been high quality from whole organs down to individual organotypic functional units and certain specialized cells at any location within the organ.

The information gained from this research was used to develop The Human Atlas and Human Biomolecular Atlas which is an effort to map the hierarchical structure of human organs.


About Double Black Imaging

Double Black Imaging is based in the USA and creates 100% of our software and performs 100% of our display integration in the USA.  We are proud to be the largest medical display supplier and calibration software developer.

You can buy from us knowing that we have a reputation for the industry’s finest customer service, with acknowledgements from thousands of Radiologists and IT professionals.

We provide you with diagnostic imaging systems that keep you on the leading-edge of X-ray services while helping you be more efficient and contain healthcare costs.  We don’t just say these things, we mean them, and we stand by them.

Are you looking to add new X-ray services to your facility?  Contact us here, call us at (877) 852-2870, or email us at to see how we can help you provide the best service to your patients.


Charles Roques-Carmes, Nicholas Rivera, Ali Ghorashi, Steven E. Kooi, Yi Yang, Zin Lin, Justin Beroz, Aviram Massuda, Jamison Sloan, Nicolas Romeo, Yang Yu, John D. Joannopoulos, Ido Kaminer, Steven G. Johnson, Marin Soljačić. A framework for scintillation in nanophotonics. Science, 2022; 375 (6583) DOI: 10.1126/science.abm9293


Walsh, C.L., Tafforeau, P., Wagner, W.L. et al. Imaging intact human organs with local resolution of cellular structures using hierarchical phase-contrast tomography. Nat Methods 18, 1532–1541 (2021).

18 Jul 2022

How Can Point of Care Technology Help with Your Radiology Department?

Point of Care Technology (POCT or POC), also referred to as Point of Care Testing, has significantly impacted medical care over the past 40 years.  We have seen care move from the hospital to the local clinic or laboratory to the patient’s home.

We have seen the tester change from doctor to nurse or technician, to patient, to machine.

The primary impact has been

  • To make receiving care faster for patients
  • To make care easier to use
  • To make testing and intervention more accurate
  • To provide greater satisfaction for patients receiving that intervention


What is Point of Care Technology?


“What is POC Technology?”  Put simply, POC stands for Point-of-Care.  This refers to whether the patient care is performed in a hospital, a clinic, a doctor’s office, a laboratory, or the patient’s home.

The goal of POC technology has been to provide the testing/treatment close to the patient’s home.

Two primary categories of POC Technologies are hand-held devices and bench-top devices.

Hand-held devices are now often come in the form of equipment that can attach to a phone or tablet and analyze samples (usually blood, urine, or saliva).

Bench-top devices are being miniaturized so that they take less space in the lab or office and can be brought to the patient.

Point of Care Technology has impacted every aspect of patient care, every specialization, and every location where services are provided.

As previously noted, this has made things easier for patients and caregivers, increased patient satisfaction and increased revenue across the board.



How Point-of-Care Technology Is Changing Radiology Departments


There continue to be some challenges that radiologists and clinicians encounter when implementing POC technologies in patient care. These are opportunities to expand service options and improve your current services and department functionality.

Implementation of portable radiology services in the hospital setting provides you opportunities to realize improvements in quality of care, patient satisfaction and hospital revenue.

It can seem overwhelming at first, even impossible. However, facilities that have embraced POCT report the benefits suggested above in this article.

Three ways POC imaging can positively impact your radiology department can be summarized as follows:

  • You can perform an increased number of studies
  • You will see improved surgical outcomes in the OR
  • You can have reduced exposure to risk factors encountered during patient transport

Let’s discuss these benefits further.


Impacting The Number Of Studies Performed


Portable imaging provides an opportunity to complete studies that were previously too complicated or risky.  With POC tests, you can bring the imaging to the patient and provide successful intervention to patients who previously could not come to the Radiology Department for care.

Further, you can include valuable patient data in your clinical research because you now have access to a population that previously could not be sampled.

Without a requirement for transportation, the procedure can be performed quickly and more efficiently.  Therefore, you can complete more procedures in the same amount of time and increase the number of procedures that can be completed because you can now treat patients who couldn’t travel to access your intervention.

Hospitals using POC imaging report an increased number of studies in several areas.  Among those are brain viability, intraoperative imaging, lymphoscintigraphy, GI Bleed, Lung perfusion, HIDA, MUGA and Bone Flow/Blood Pool.


Improving Surgical Outcomes In The OR


POC imaging is influencing surgery in the OR and improving outcomes.  This leads to improved quality of care and prevents readmission.

Two primary factors that impact surgical outcomes are the time under anesthesia and real-time results.

Increased time under anesthesia is known to increase the risk of surgical complications.  It follows then that decreasing the time under anesthesia can reduce that risk.

Portable imaging technology allows patients to be anesthetized for completing both imaging procedures and surgery in the OR.  Since patients don’t need to be anesthetized in while being transported from radiology to the surgery room, their hospitalization can be much safer because this risk has been minimized.

Patients can be more secure in the outcome of their procedure and feel greater satisfaction with it because the portable imaging device allows full confirmation of surgical success/accuracy during the procedure.  They can rest well knowing that the lesion or tumor removal was complete and that any remaining or unknown masses have been identified.


Reducing The Risks Of Patient Transportation Protocol


Many are surprised to learn of the number of risk factors encountered during patient transport.

Risks a patient can encounter during transport fall into several categories:

  • Exposure
  • Medical complications
  • Injury
  • Interruption of care/services

Patients can be exposed to infectious pathogens during transport or can experience variables that increase the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia.

Medical complications can range from hypoxemia, to tachycardia, to pulmonary complications, to arrhythmia, to cardiac arrest, just to name a few.

Injury, as well as interruption of care/services, can occur if equipment is dislodged, or patients are removed from services for the purpose of transport.

While these risks could occur at any stage during a hospitalization, the risk of complications is even greater if they occur during transport when the patient is away from the resources of his medical unit.

The risk is further increased if the patient is critically ill.  Difficult decisions might have to be made to forgo a needed medical procedure because the risks of transport are too high.

Transport of critically ill patients comes at a high cost when you consider that they often require a team of professionals and a variety of medical interventions (oxygen, suction, portable ventilation).

The high cost of transport is related to

  • Labor of this team of professionals
  • Risks to patient safety
  • Diverting care providers from the medical unit

Portable imaging can reduce these concerns by providing the services on the unit where transport is avoided and the only person needed is the medical technician performing the procedure.


Future Trends In POC Testing


It is clear from looking at the changes over the years and the benefits to patients, caregivers, and facilities, that POC testing will continue to make significant contributions to patient care, quality of services and your revenue.

You can easily see that new POC testing will continue to emerge as the needs, potential benefits, and means to achieve that POCT are identified.

Some areas where you can expect new POC Technologies to emerge are:  Virtual Reality and 3D imaging, Artificial Intelligence, Nuclear Imaging, Intraoperative imaging, Wearable Technology.


Work With Double Black Imaging For Your Medical Displays & Monitor Needs


Double Black Imaging works with you, the professionals who use our monitors, to develop state-of-the-art equipment that gives you portability when you need it.  We know portability is important.  We also know that portable equipment needs to retain the functionality demonstrated by the stationary equipment you previously have used to serve your patients.

We recognize the importance of trends in medical care and POC Technologies is just one of those trends that guides the development of our monitors.

Are you looking to improve your POC Testing and other technologies?  Let us help you configure a system that will meet your needs and your budget.  Contact us today at (720) 826-0859 or email us at

15 Jun 2022

What is DICOM in Medical Imaging?

DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. It is an internationally standardized protocol for managing and transmitting images with related data.  It ensures interoperability of systems that produce, display, query, retrieve, share, send, store, print, and process medical images.


Why Is It Important?


Advances in imaging technology and increased use of computing in clinical work created a need for a standard method of transferring images and their associated information.  DICOM was developed to answer this need.  It can ensure this transfer between devices, regardless of vendor or manufacturer.

It is important to maintain this accuracy because facilities rely on medical imaging for accurate communication and profit.

With DICOM it is easier for physicians to access images and reports, allowing access from in house or remote locations.  This greatly improves the efficiency, and therefore the quality, of patient care.

What Does A DICOM File Contain?


DICOM images consist of two components: a header and the image.

The header contains the data that describes the image, primarily patient data.  As with other medical files, this includes the patient’s demographic information such as their name, age, gender, and date of birth.

The header can also contain information about the image, such as acquisition parameters, pixel intensity, matrix size and dimensions of the image.


How To View A DICOM File


It is only possible to view DICOM images using special software mean specifically designed for viewing these files.  The software can be proprietary or third party.

Proprietary software is what is installed in the equipment you purchase for medical imaging.

You can view the images at the same workstation where the images, such as CT or MRI, were acquired by the machine using the installed DICOM viewer. It will allow you to view images sequentially and to reconstruct the images.

Unfortunately, the proprietary software only allows you to view the images in the same location as the hardware.  The only way you can transfer the images is to a portable storage device or a network; however, you need to compress the images to do that.  Compression and exporting images usually prohibits access to the original image.

Because of these and other issues, third-party software has been developed and is used more commonly.  Third-party applications allow you to open DICOM files from any source (PACS server, the internet, a CD, or a DVD).

There are many DICOM viewing applications available.  Each viewer has different features, and you can consider the features available in each application as they compare to your viewing needs. The availability of third-party applications facilitates interoperability of your medical viewing device with other devices.


What Can I Do To A DICOM File In Addition To Simply Viewing The Image?


DICOM medical image viewers provide functionality that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your work.  Some of the capabilities go beyond what was first imagined when imaging technology was developed.  Among the things you can achieve with DICOM are:

  • Comparison of medical images – With DICOM, you can view two digital images side by side to make comparisons.


  • Enhancement of image quality – DICOM allows you to zoom in to see detail and to change the contrast in an image. By increasing or decreasing the brightness of the image, you can make better distinctions between radiodensity and radiolucency in different areas of the image.


  • Reconstruction of images – This allows you to see aspects of the anatomy that are not available from the original images.
    • Two-dimensional to three-dimensional rendering is a method that takes the initial two-dimensional images from the initial DICOM data set that are taken in all three planes (axial, coronal, and sagittal) and reconstructs them into a three-dimensional rendering.
    • Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) uses the 3D reconstructed images and makes slices of them to allow you to view different anatomical levels at different angles than those acquired in the initial images.


  • Combination of images – Some DICOM applications allow you to combine different modalities, such as PET and CT images. Using this combined image, you can simultaneously leverage the advantages of both types of imaging modalities.  So, for example, a PET scan would locate areas of high metabolic activity, and you could combine that with the CT scan to map it to corresponding anatomical sites.


  • Measurement of image targets– If you want to measure the linear size or volume of anatomic structures, you will appreciate apps that have this functionality. Being able to make these measurements accurately and efficiently is useful in assessing treatment efficacy or in planning treatment.


Can You Transfer A DICOM File Into Other Formats?


Each DICOM file contains several high-resolution images.  Because this can create a very large file, compression is needed so you can transfer it.

It is important to note that compression of DICOM files uses two strategies:  lossless and lossy.

Lossless does not lose any information when it is compressed.  You can easily recover the original file at any time.  However, this requires a lot of processing and results slow file opening and saving.  A lot of compression is not possible with this strategy.

Lossy compression achieves greater compression because it removes some data.  Typically, redundant data is removed.  However, if a significant amount of compression is done, image quality can be impacted.

DICOM files can be compressed and exported into various formats, including JPEG, TIFF, PNG and GIF. This table summarizes the formats.


Other DICOM Capabilities


In addition to capabilities that enhance your viewing of and working with images, DICOM also has several functionalities that enhance the operation of your hospital or clinic.

DICOM supports network image management, network image interpretation management, network print management, image procedure management and offline storage media management.

DICOM simplifies the way you interface with your imaging equipment and can often be achieved by a “plug and play” system.

The system also works to group images with similar properties, which facilitates storage and retrieval.

Workload is also minimized by communication between Imaging Equipment and Existing Information Systems.  Once connected, DICOM generates a list of scheduled imaging procedures for that equipment.  Therefore, DICOM eliminates the need for duplicate data entry at the imaging equipment console.  Furthering efficiency, DICOM allows the user of that equipment to query another system and obtain additional details about the procedure and/or the patient.


Double Black Imaging Is Here For All Your Medical Imaging Needs


Double Black Imaging Displays can be calibrated remotely and automatically to employ DICOM functionality.  We include these capabilities to help make radiology imaging and reporting easier, more accurate and less time consuming.

We are here to help you solve your imaging issues and improve your process in your radiology department.  To learn more about your ideal OR Monitors, DICOM applications that make your life easier, or our other products and services, contact us today or email us at


03 May 2022

What Are Diagnostic Imaging Systems?

Diagnostic Imaging Systems are a vital component of clinical decision-making, and they are commonly used in many hospitals and health centers. Imaging provides physicians a tool not only to diagnose injuries or illness, but also to plan and monitor the course of needed treatments.


What Is Diagnostic Imaging?


Diagnostic medical imaging involves specific techniques that obtain images from inside the body. This technology provides detailed visualizations that include any abnormalities in structure or function. A diagnostic radiologist is a physician who is specially trained in the interpretation of these images to diagnose illness or injury.


What Is It Used For?


Diagnostic medical imaging allows physicians to visualize activities and structures inside the body. The images help diagnose the cause of symptoms or identify signs of a health condition. Diagnostic imaging also provides capabilities to confirm illnesses or monitor how well a patient is responding to medical treatment or intervention.


Types of Diagnostic Imaging


  1. An MRI scan can detect tumors, injuries, lesions, and infections. One benefit of this type of diagnostic imaging system is that it uses a powerful magnet (not radiation) to obtain a 3D image of organs and tissues inside the body of the patient. This scan can be used to examine the spinal cord, brain, joints, breast tissue, abdomen, or liver for injuries or abnormalities like cysts or tumors. An MRI exam can be ordered with contrast and generally takes about 30 to 60 minutes.

There are four types of MRI machines:

  • True open: This is open on all sides; beneficial for individuals who are claustrophobic.
  • Closed: A traditional tube is one in which a patient lies down inside for the images.
  • Wide bore: This resembles a closed MRI, but with a wider middle opening.
  • 3T MRI: This type is more advanced than traditional MRI and it takes less time. The high-resolution images enable the radiologist to determine the severity of a patient’s condition.


  1. MRA Scans (magnetic resonance angiogram) provide very detailed images of the blood vessels to identify issues that lead to reduced blood flow. Physicians use MRAs to look for calcium deposits, aneurysms, inflammation, or clots within the blood flow that may narrow or occlude vessels. In some cases, they may order a contrast dye to get a better definition of the scan’s images. MRA tests are typically used on the legs, neck, brain, or kidneys. In many cases, an MRA scan can detect more information than x-rays, ultrasounds, or CT scans.


  1. Computed tomography (CT) or computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans are frequently used to quickly examine individuals who may have internal injuries from trauma. CT scans are commonly used to evaluate the spine, brain, abdomen, neck, and chest. A CT scan can detect bone and muscle disorders, masses, tumors, injuries, and internal bleeding. This test combines a string of X-ray images taken at multiple angles to generate a cross-sectional slice of blood vessels and soft tissues. While CT scans use low doses of radiation, they’re still relatively non-invasive and safe.


A CT scan can be used to visualize nearly all body parts, including:

  • Head: Check for stroke, masses, and other abnormalities
  • Chest: Provide more detail into abnormalities as needed after an x-ray
  • Neck: Look for enlarged glands or lymph nodes and lumps.
  • Spine: Detect problems like spinal canal narrowing, a herniated disc, or fractures
  • Sinus: Detect and diagnose obstructions or sinus disease
  • Pelvis/ Abdomen: Check organs and diagnose unexplained pain


  1. Ultrasound- This technology produces real-time images onto a computer monitor as the technician moves the transducer over an area to show the structure and movement of internal organs or blood flow. It is often used to assess wellbeing during pregnancy. It doesn’t use radiation, but rather high-frequency waves that bounce back when they hit an area of density.

A physician may order an ultrasound to investigate the cause of symptoms such as swelling, infection, or pain. Ultrasounds can be used to examine the Heart, Joints, Uterus, Blood vessels, Muscles, Bladder, or Kidneys.


  1. X-rays -X-rays are among the most used diagnostic imaging tests. They provide quick results at a relatively inexpensive cost. X-ray equipment generates a high-energy beam that dense tissue and bones can’t absorb but can pass through other areas of the body. This process generates an image, allowing your doctor to see an injury to bones. This technology uses low-dose radiation and a specialized plate to produce images of inside the body, typically the bones and joints. Digital x-rays use less radiation and are employed for the same purposes.


  1. Mammography- Mammograms are a type of x-ray image of the breasts. They screen for early evidence of breast cancer, sometimes identifying lumps years before they are palpable. A radiologist can use Digital mammography, which requires a much lower radiation dose to produce high-quality images of breast tissue to identify and diagnose cancer nodules that older systems can’t detect.


  1. Bone Density Scan- This procedure, also known as “bone mineral density testing,” uses x-ray equipment to measure the amount of bone minerals and calcium per square centimeter. Typically, this scan is conducted on the hip, spine, or forearm. This scan can determine whether a patient has osteoporosis (a condition where the bones are fragile and susceptible to fractures). Bone density scans are recommended for patients with the following risk factors: a recent fracture, height loss of more than an inch and a half, decreased hormone levels, long-term steroid use, or anti-rejection medication due to organ or tissue transplant.


  1. Arthrogram- Also known as “arthrography,” arthrograms consist of various images obtained using x-ray, fluoroscopy, CT scans, or an MRI specifically of an individual’s joints. An arthrogram is one of many types of medical imaging used to diagnose joint problems. To do this, a radiologist will inject your joint with a contrast dye that coats your joint structures and lining, allowing the physician to easily evaluate joint function. An arthrogram might capture detail that other types of imaging may not detect.


  1. Myelogram- During a myelogram, a technologist injects contrast dye into the spinal cord space. While this dye moves through the spinal spaces, fluoroscopy is used to examine the spinal cord, tissue, and surrounding nerves for any abnormalities, like tumors, infection, and inflammation.


  1. Nuclear Medicine – During this type of medical imaging, radioactive tracers are injected into a vein to provide images of the internal organs and structures. This gives physicians the opportunity to diagnose some types of cancers, gastrointestinal issues, or endocrine disorders. It can be used with a bone scan, thyroid scan, thallium cardiac stress, or positron emission tomography (PET scan).


Do you have imaging needs?

Diagnostic Imaging System Provider

Double Black Imaging is dedicated to building long-term customer relationships by providing the world’s finest imaging components for diagnostic imaging at competitive prices. We are committed to supporting our products with exceptional customer service. Contact us today!

23 Feb 2022

Human-Computer Interaction in Radiology & Reporting: A Look at Three Applications

Why Human-Computer Interaction in Radiology?


Focus on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in the field of radiology has increased significantly over the years.  It is now common to use the terms HCI radiology and HCI imaging to refer to the study of radiology as it pertains to human-computer interaction.

The emphasis on HCI radiology, or HCI imaging, has changed the way we look at equipment purchases, report writing, and E-Learning.

The influence of HCI considerations not only has had a major impact on these areas to date but could continue to influence these and other considerations for the field of radiology in the future.


HCI Radiology and Equipment Purchases


Jogia, (2021)1 reported a human-computer interaction study to consider HCI factors when purchasing X-ray equipment.  While they looked at ergonomic factors such as force to operate machines, the primary emphasis was on the HCI between Medical Radiation Technologists (MRTs) and the control room console.

They focused on the tasks involved in operating the control room console as these are the actions that make up the HCI.  Further, they looked at actions at the console that could result in wasted images and which aspects of the design might reduce repeated and wasting (rejecting) X-ray images.

A primary focus of the assessment involved heuristic evaluation.  This allowed them to judge the usability without speaking to the users.

They identified three sources of the task workload for HCI activities:  mental demand, frustration and performance.

Consistency and Standards, User Control and Freedom, Error Recovery Problems, Help and Documentation, and Error Prevention and Memory were all areas of errors when using the console.

They summarized the following questions:

Should HCI factors be included in a purchasing guide?

Can HCI factors be identified using HCI tools while observing MRTs working with the equipment?

Can we determine the most relevant method and tool for evaluating HCI between MRTs and the X-ray equipment?

Jogia, et. al. (2021) called for additional human-computer interaction studies employing the use of heuristic evaluation that focuses on factors that can be easily identified and tested during the purchasing process.  They suggested that these HCI factors could be instrumental in planning and designing an X-ray suite.


HCI Imaging and Reporting


Ganapathi, (In print)2 studied HCI for the development of a structured reporting process that incorporated eye-gaze and speech signals.  The primary objective was to generate data to create an HCI to automate generation of a structured radiology report that captures key image findings and a radiologist’s subsequent spoken descriptions of those findings.

They used an eye-gaze tracking device to establish an eye-gaze-voice span parameter which they defined as a unit of time from when the radiologist fixates on an image to the start of speech.

They looked at factors such as anatomy imaged, image modality, image resolution and radiologist interpretation.

They concluded that because the individual radiologist was the key to designing a system of automated reporting that utilizes eye gaze, a system based on these parameters would need to be customized to the individual radiologist.

The order of items targeted did not produce significant variability, nor did the anatomy being imaged, image resolution, and modality, so customization is not needed for these items.

They suggest a “next step would be to use the gaze and speech signals together to identify diagnostic regions-of-interest from the gaze signals and corresponding speech content to incorporate key image findings into a structured report.”

The authors believe that a system using eye gaze – voice span could improve structured acceptance and implementation.

The article concludes with the suggestion that the best success with the system could be achieved through training the radiologist to better use the HCI.


HCI Radiology and E-Learning


Den Harder, (2016)3 looked at how learning outcomes and perspectives of medical students and teachers were influenced using image interaction in radiology e-learning programs.

They defined e-learning as us of electronic media, including audio, digital images, and web-based learning for educational purposes.

Advantages of e-learning include flexibility in when and where a student can learn, the types of materials that can be used (animation, video, interactive programs), and the ability to increase class sizes.

Two primary forms of HCI that are of benefit to radiology in e-learning are:

Navigation or scrolling through a stack of images in different planes)

Manipulation (adjusting contrast setting, rotating 3D models)

In the past, Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)  in hospitals were viewed by physicians as single images printed next to each other.  In radiology, they are viewed as a stack of images (volumetric image).  Now that images are digitalized and used in Picture Archiving Systems (PACS), the volumetric images are available to all in-house doctors.

This highlights the importance of medical students learning to interpret radiological images and understanding the relationship between the anatomical and pathological structures.

This article suggests that a “first step can be the use of videos of volumetric image stacks.  However, ultimately, human-computer interaction with images should be possible since this is more representative to clinical practice and more reliable than tests with 2D CT images.”

They indicate that allowing for image manipulation is a key method e-learning can improve radiology education.

This was supported by the finding that tests that used stack images were more reliable and more representative of clinical practice compared to tests that used 2D images.

Now that in-hospital doctors have stacks of images available for review, and the study found that stack image and 2-D image review require different cognitive processes, the argument is made that medical students could benefit from similar exposure.

The study also noted that scores using stack viewing and image manipulation correlated with scores on human cadaver anatomy tests.  This same correlation did not occur for tests without stack viewing.

The authors suggest that radiology anatomy courses should use radiological images with stack viewing and other image manipulation tools.

They concluded that the use of image interaction in e-learning could be beneficial for medical students.


About Double Black Imaging


Radiology Monitor Provider and RetailerDouble Black Imaging makes radiology imaging and reporting easier and less time consuming for you.  Implementation of new information about HCI is just one way we hope to accomplish that.

We are here to help you solve your imaging issues and improve your process in your radiology department.  Give us a call at (877) 852-2870, email us at, or go here to submit a request.  Let us know how we can help you use the latest knowledge to make your department work smarter.



  1. Jogia, A; Brunet, J-P; Ramos, D; Lintack, J; Di Raimo, L; Sharpe, M; Rowr, K; Paul, N; Lall, D; Cheadle, S; Smith, J; Macdonald, R; Plastino, J.  Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in General Radiography:  A Case Study to Consider HCI Factors When Purchasing X-ray Equipment (2021).  Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021), IV.
  2. Ganapathi, T; Vining, D; Bassett, R; Garg, N; and Markey, M. A Human Computer Interaction Solution for Radiology Reporting:  Evaluation of the Factors of Variation.  Journal Preprint.
  3. den Harder, A.M., Frijlingh, M., Ravesloot, C.J. et al.The Importance of Human–Computer Interaction in Radiology E-learning. J Digit Imaging 29, 195–205 (2016).

20 Jan 2022

Tips for Radiology Reporting Online

Radiology reporting online has become a primary means of communicating results of radiology imaging.  As this change has evolved, the requirement for immediate availability of results has emerged.  Previously, radiologists took a few days to write their reports and communicate results with the managing physician prior to releasing those results to the patient.

Now, with the development of teleradiology reporting via portals, patients usually obtain access at the same time the report is made available to the referring physician.

Radiologists have two primary concerns about how these requirements impact their practices.

  • A delay in access to personal health information can result in a hefty fine.
  • Remote radiology reporting has become the primary means of communication between the radiologist, the referring medical doctor and the patient.

While clarity has always been a focus, we must be able to convey that information to 2 or more distinct audiences.

Here are some tips for creating effective radiology reports online:


Keep Your Reports Clear and Concise


When writing your report for publication in the online portal, use of standardized sections provides a consistent organization across all reports and simplifies the content for both the patient and the referring physician.

The following five sections help provide the structure of the report:

  • Clinical Referral and Medical History
    • Reason for the referral (clearly and briefly)
    • Clinical problem being investigated
    • Indicate if insufficient clinical information limited full interpretation
    • Justification of radiation exposure, if warranted


  • Procedure/Technique
    • Name of the procedure(s)
    • Description of the procedure(s)
    • Variations in the standard procedure(s)
    • Contrast medium
    • Route of administration
    • Type of contrast
    • Dose of administered
    • Adverse reactions
    • Medications given while in the radiology department
    • Suboptimal features and any impact on the interpretation of results
    •  Radiation dose (if applicable)


  • Evaluation Results/Findings
    • Description of abnormalities, organized systematically
    • First address the findings that pertain to the clinical diagnosis and suspected pathology
    • Use accepted terminology and precise language
      • Include details about the abnormalities
      • Dimension
      • Signal intensity
      • Attenuation
      • Echogenicity
      • Density
    • Positive or negative features that impact the interpretation
    • The site of any abnormalities and the relationship to other structures
    • Reference which images in the report best illustrate the abnormality
    • Any incidental or relative negative findings
    • Compare the current findings with previous studies (if available)
    • Use the term “normal” rather than “unremarkable”


  • Summary/Conclusions
    • This is one of the most important sections to the patient
    • Use clear and concise language to avoid confusion and minimize anxiety
    • Because of its importance, this section is addressed later in this article


  • Recommendations/Next Steps
    • This is another one                                                                                                                                     of the most important sections to the patient
    • This section is also addressed later in this article


Unique and Patient-Specific Reports Make The Patient Feel Valued


When a patient sees specific information about themselves in your report, they understand that you see yourself as a member of their healthcare team and that you are concerned about them.

Reserve judgment about sensitive topics, such as smoking, alcohol use or body build.


Use of Structured Reporting Presents Standardized Information In A Clear, Organized Format, Tracking The Attributes of Each Finding


We have provided an outline for structured reporting in radiology in this article.  Using structured reporting, you can present standardized information in a clear, organized format.  You can track each finding, and you are prompted to complete all required fields to create consistency in subsequent reports.  Further, physicians who regularly make referrals can follow the structure and scan to areas that are important to the treatment plan.

Other benefits to using Structured Reporting include that can result in:

  • More time efficiency
  • Support for automated billing and order entry
  • Helping research analysis and decisions
  • An improvement in communication of radiology results
  • Easier retrieval of data for comparison, audit and research
  • Standardized section headings and sequenced observations with templates or checklists
  • An easy way to implement standardized language and vocabulary
  • Improved clarity, reduced ambiguity, and increased confidence in the findings and recommendations
  • Organized communication with patients
  • A method of giving patients information about their condition that is easily understood and organ-specific which helps guide healthcare decisions


While structured reporting increases certainty and clarity, often there is uncertainty in the interpretation of the findings.  Clearly communicating uncertainty is vital to clarifying the nature and extent of that uncertainty so that physicians and patients can understand the degree of confidence in the findings and use it to guide clinical decision making.


Include A Short Summary Wrapping Up Everything Covered In The Report


As stated before, patients are most interested in the conclusions and summary/recommendations of the written report.

This section should not be a mere repetition of the findings.  It should improve understanding of the findings and have clear next steps.  Be sure this section addresses the following:

  • States an overall impression that gives a comprehensive review of:
  • Imaging features
  • Clinical information
  • Laboratory findings.
    • States the diagnosis with the greatest possible precision (if not possible, provide an appropriately ranked differential diagnosis)
    • If use of a differential diagnosis is necessary, it should be
      • Relevant
      • Limited
      • Should explain how it supports or denies the referring diagnosis
    • Be sure that the conclusion relates to the original presentation of the referral
  • Discuss relevance of incidental findings
  • Restate adverse events


Include Advice For What To Do Moving Forward


Provide a message directly to the patient which indicates normal or abnormal findings and next steps.  This will help reduce patient anxiety.


 Avoid Technical jargon


Incorporate lay-language translations of complicated terms into digital radiology reports.

While the report always needs to consider the expected level of knowledge and expertise of the referring physician, keep in mind that you are also writing a report that will be read by the patient.  Avoid abbreviations unless it is something that is commonly known.


Enhanced Reports – Pictures, Tables, Graphs, and Hyperlinks To Useful Links


Patient understanding is improved by using information that is presented visually or evokes a visual image.  Providing links to patient-focused information also makes the information more accessible.

Information should be presented in a form that precisely illustrates the findings and helps the patient understand the imaging results.


 Approach Bad News Carefully


Bad news needs to be delivered in a simple, supportive manner that states clearly what has been observed.  Jargon should be avoided, and language should be used that creates a supportive atmosphere should be used.


Conclusion About What Double Black Imaging Provides For Your Practice


Work With Experts At Double Black ImagingDouble Black Imaging, headquartered in Plymouth, MN, has sales and service offices across the USA.  Double Black Imaging is committed to making imaging more efficient, reducing healthcare costs, and strengthening customer service while performing 100% of software development and display integration in the USA.

For more information about Double Black Image, our products, and our services, visit our website at or email us at

22 Dec 2021

Physical, Cognitive, and Organizational Ergonomics

As medical offices work to increase patient satisfaction while reducing costs, employee injuries, and sick time, their workplaces’ physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics are crucial to evaluate and correct, if necessary, to meet these goals. One way to help you achieve these goals is with ergonomic workstations.

According to the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), the word “ergonomics” refers to “the science of work” and “is derived from the Greek ergon (work) and nomos (laws).” The IEA goes on to explain that the terms “ergonomics” and “human factors” can be used interchangeably or combined—“(e.g., human factors and ergonomics – HFE or EHF).”

As such, HFE examines the “physical, cognitive, sociotechnical, organizational, environmental and other relevant factors, as well as the complex interactions between the human and other humans, the environment, tools, products, equipment, and technology.”

HFE can be further broken down into the three sub-disciplines of physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics to evaluate their individual and combined effects on people working within a given system.

Simply put, physical ergonomics is concerned with the human physical body, cognitive ergonomics with the human brain, and organizational ergonomics with systems and the unique cultures within them.

Ergonomics is also considered to be “both a science and a profession.” As a science, ergonomics focuses on understanding how humans interact with other elements of a system. As a profession, ergonomics aims to maximize human well-being and system performance which is accomplished by applying data, principles, theories, and methods to design concepts. Learn more about the different types of ergonomics below.


What is Physical Ergonomics?


In looking at the human body, the focus in physical ergonomics is on preventing injuries, increasing productivity, and reducing errors and quality concerns.

Injury prevention is accomplished by evaluating and designing workplaces to make safety a top priority while ensuring jobs and tasks are completed as efficiently as possible. This includes assessment of physical activities such as repetitive movements, postures and body positions, and manual tasks performed. It also includes examining how people use their bodies to work with equipment, tools, and other people to perform daily tasks.


How Does Physical Ergonomics Help Increase Productivity?


When workers experience less physical strain and difficulty performing their work, studies have shown they are more productive.

For example, a study conducted by Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Public Health found a 46% increase in employee productivity at a call center when employees were provided with a sit/stand desk that allowed them to change their body position and stand or sit to be more comfortable while working.

Researchers found that employees with stand-capable desks sat approximately 1.6 hours less than their fellow employees who worked at traditional seated desk setups. Productivity was defined as “how many successful calls workers completed per hour at work.”

In addition, almost 75% of employees with stand-capable desks reported less “body discomfort” after using these desks for the 6 months of the study. So, in addition to increased productivity, these employees’ overall sense of well-being and health improved as well.


How Does Physical Ergonomics Help Reduce Errors and Quality Concerns?


According to the Center For Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH) at the University of California, Berkeley, “Poor ergonomics can have a direct negative impact on quality and profit. Ergonomically unsound designs can lead to physical and mental fatigue, and in turn, errors and reduction in work quality.”

Researchers note that when tasks require greater precision or force, there are corresponding increases in quality errors, fatigue, and the subsequent need for more inspection.

For businesses, they point out that worker fatigue can also result in decreased customer satisfaction and more equipment malfunctions and replacements.


What is Cognitive Ergonomics?


Cognitive ergonomics is concerned with the human brain’s ability to interact with and process information, and subsequently, the quality of a person’s performance within a given system.

This sub-discipline of cognitive ergonomics analyzes things like training, decision making, and “mental workload.” Ergonomists in this field are also involved in making assessments and recommendations regarding design, usability, and human-machine interaction, as well as analyzing errors and investigating workplace accidents.

From a product perspective, cognitive ergonomics “focuses on how well the use of a product matches the cognitive capabilities of users”. And as David Bulfin explains, this includes understanding how the human mind “naturally” responds to stimuli, which is influenced by both cultural and evolutionary factors.

From a design perspective, ergonomists are key when it comes to designing products and systems that provide a better user experience by taking into consideration the limitations and capabilities of its users. The goal cognitive ergonomics is to design products and systems that are “simple, clear, and easy to use, contributing to a superior overall user experience.”


What is Macroergonomics?


Macroergonomics, also referred to as organizational ergonomics, assesses how organizations and systems interact and how these systems of work are designed. It includes having the knowledge and ability to improve systems of work to improve an organization’s overall performance and effectiveness.

As a result, organizational ergonomics involves optimizing an organization’s policies, processes, and structures that make up its socio-technical system (STS).

A socio-technical system refers to looking at systems from a broad perspective and “considers requirements spanning hardware, software, personal, and community aspects.”

As the Interaction Design Foundation explains, STSs “(apply) an understanding of the social structures, roles and rights (the social sciences) to inform the design of systems that involve communities of people and technology. Examples of STSs include emails, blogs, and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter”, to name a few.

Organizational ergonomics can be approached many different ways within an organization: top-down, bottom-up, and middle-out.

To improve macroergonomics, or organizational ergonomics, using a top-down approach, the work structure, flow, and resources available to perform work may be “prescribed” by those in leadership or management positions. A middle-out approach involves analyzing an organization from within to determine how effective its work systems and processes are, both up and down the “organizational hierarchy.” Using a bottom-up approach requires significant participation and input of employees to identify problems and possible solutions.

Workplace elements that may need to be assessed to improve a business’s organizational ergonomics include:

  • Communication
  • Cooperative work
  • Community ergonomics
  • Crew resource management
  • Design of work times
  • New work paradigms
  • Participatory design
  • Telework or remote work
  • Quality management
  • Teamwork
  • Virtual organizations
  • Work design


Getting the physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics right in your workplace doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. But it does require finding out what employees find helpful and problematic when trying to perform their jobs. Starting with the most obvious problems and working towards solutions with an expert in ergonomics can help ensure any changes you do make are likely to pay you back in spades.

Premier Radiology Display CatalogueDouble Black Imaging is the industry leader in medical monitor systems for medical practices and offices. We can answer your questions, provide demos, and help you find solutions that meet your needs and budget.

Contact one of our diagnostic imaging experts today for information about quality medical grade monitors, the use of automated calibration tools, and other benefits of purchasing monitors from Double Black Imaging.


29 Nov 2021

What Is Interventional Radiology?

Interventional radiology (IR) is a medical sub-specialty of radiology that performs minimally-invasive procedures with the aid of medical imaging devices to diagnose and treat diseases in nearly every organ in the human body. Most areas of hospital medicine and ​​patient management have been impacted by IR. With the help of these devices, interventional radiologists interpret the images to guide, monitor, and provide appropriate actions during medical procedures, thus ensuring patients’ safety.

All professionals that practice IR are board-certified, fellowship trained physicians who have graduated from an accredited medical school, passed a licensing examination, and completed at least five years of graduate medical education. Additionally, they have undergone one of the various paths to board certification, specialized training programs certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and have been certified by the American Board of Radiology. To become certified by these boards, interventional radiologists must prove their expertise in radiation safety, radiation physics, and the biological effects of radiation and injury prevention. Furthermore, they must show their thorough proficiency in invasive treatments as well as diagnostic and clinical experience.

What are the benefits of interventional radiology?


IR procedures are steadily increasing in popularity because of how effective they are in comparison with traditional surgeries. IR procedures often mean reduced costs, decreased recovery time, reduced risk, and less pain for patients. In fact, in many cases they don’t even need to be carried out in a hospital.

  • Reduced costs: Hospital stays and general anesthesia are often what make surgical procedure costs high. IR means the invasive procedure will be minimal as well as effective and precise, and patients will be sleeping in their own bed that night.
  • Quicker convalescence: Typically, patients recover much faster from an IR procedure than traditional open surgery methods. For instance, a hysterectomy can take weeks to fully heal from, whereas having a uterine fibroid embolization (a procedure using IR) takes days to recover from.
  • Reduced risk: General anesthesia is unavoidable in open surgery. However, with IR procedures, local anesthetics are applied to the area that will be treated. This eliminates the risks of going under the full effect of the medically induced coma, as well as the risk of patients’ inner organs being exposed to bacteria for a prolonged period.


What kind of procedures are performed in interventional radiology?


Even though interventional radiologists are skilled in various techniques, procedures often fall into three main categories:

Arteries and Blood Vessel procedures: The shrinking of arteries and blood vessels can restrict blood flow. Lack of blood flow to limbs may lead to amputation in some cases. To treat this, interventional radiologists use balloon angioplasty (a kind of balloon) or metal springs to hold arteries open, or they can help save limbs by infusing clot-busting drugs directly into the artery via small catheters.

Hemorrhage is one of the most common vascular emergencies that IRs treat. Bleeding can come from anywhere in the body and is often stopped by blocking the vessel. Interventional radiologists often prevent hemorrhage during surgical procedures with a stent gaft or by blowing up a balloon in the vessel.


Non-vascular intervention radiology: This technique is often used for treatments in the field of oncology, but treatments are also efficient when it comes to benign tumors. The aim of this treatment is to shrink or destroy tumors that are either at their primary site or have spread. Ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance are the kinds of imaging often used in tumor therapies. Ultimately, the goal of this intervention is for patient survival.


Kidney stones and gallstones are some of the most common abdominal diseases. Kidney stones cause pain, infection and blockage of the kidney which can lead to irreversible kidney damage if it’s not treated quickly. With the help of IR, an endoscope can be accurately passed into the kidney through a small skin incision which enables surgeons to break the stone, pull the fragments out or drain urine from the kidney.

Gall stones are cured with laparoscopic surgery, where IR is used to ensure greater precision during the procedure. Sometimes interventional radiologists are required to perform drainage by placing catheter tubes through the liver to either remove the stones or place stents to allow drainage.


Therapeutic and Diagnostic Specialty


The range of techniques used in IR help target therapy and diagnosis more precisely. The aim of IR is to diagnose and treat patients using the least invasive techniques, ultimately minimizing risk to the patient while improving their health outcomes. IR is often a great option to traditional open surgery and is increasingly becoming a primary approach to treat various conditions. IR professionals often collaborate with other physicians to provide patients with a comprehensive evaluation and manage image-guided interventions. Some of the most commonly implemented image-guided therapeutic and diagnostic procedures include:

  • Gastrointestinal
  • Hepatobiliary
  • Genitourinary
  • Pulmonary
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Central Nervous system


Get started with an ​​interventional radiology suite that will improve your patient care


Work With Double Black Imaging TodayWhen it comes to making an important investment in your healthcare facility, you want to make sure you do so through a reliable company that has a thorough understanding of your needs. With over 30 years of experience in the high-performance display industry, Double Black Imaging provides ways to make imaging more efficient. Dedicated to building long-term customer relationships, we are committed to supporting quality products with exceptional customer service.

Double Black Imaging offers the latest mobile medical imaging technology at competitive prices and can walk you through how to implement it in your healthcare organization. Contact Double Black Imaging for help with making the most of your purchase, or take a look at our latest medical imaging technology.

26 Oct 2021

Ergonomics in Interventional Radiology

Professionals in interventional radiology perform medical imaging during various minimally-invasive procedures such as X-ray fluoroscopy, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or ultrasounds. These imaging tests can help diagnose, cure, or alleviate symptoms of vascular disease, stroke, cancer, and much more.

Although times may vary depending on each individual case, interventional radiology procedures usually take approximately four hours. During any invasive procedure, the patient’s safety is the top priority, which is why a lot of interventional radiologists neglect basic ergonomic needs and ultimately, their health during procedures. This means interventional radiologists are regularly exposed to radiation, and lack of ergonomic equipment can lead to work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the long term.

In fact, in interventional radiology, the use of x-ray aprons, in association with awkward postures and non-ergonomic working conditions, might increase the likelihood of musculoskeletal disorders. The prevalence of neck and back pain at least once a week ranges from 50% to 60% for those who use lead aprons frequently. Additionally, not having the right equipment to work with, will likely impact their livelihoods, quality of life, and productivity in various ways.

Even though interventional radiology often overlaps with other specialties such as cardiology, vascular surgery, orthopedic surgery, and urology among others, implementing unique ergonomic considerations is key to ensure interventional radiologists’ safety in their place of work. Having an interventional radiology suite with ergonomic equipment is crucial to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and injury. By including ergonomic interventional radiology equipment in your facility, you are investing in the health, wellbeing, and productivity of interventional radiologists.


Here are a few things to consider to maximize your investment and efficiently plan for a new interventional radiology suite:


What makes up an efficient interventional radiology suite?


To optimize interventional radiologists’ performance, as well as improve their wellbeing while meeting patients’ needs, there are various crucial aspects to consider when planning for your suite. One of the key things to keep in mind is the types of procedures the equipment will be used for. There are often various professionals that are part of a procedure, such as nurses, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and radiologists. Understanding each professional’s role and the input will ensure you plan your investment accordingly.

Each area of expertise requires its own set of equipment and standards to follow during the installation. The Society of Interventional Radiology published “Resource and Environment Recommended Standards for the IR” where it details recommendations for the interventional radiology surgical suite.

Furthermore, The Society of interventional Radiology recommends: “The preparatory and recovery areas must be located in a setting with adequate electrical, oxygen, suction, anesthesia, and emergency services. There must be appropriate temperature and humidity control, air exchange and ventilation, lighting, computer terminals, PACS access, and monitoring equipment. Access to basic and advanced resuscitation equipment as well as necessary medications and fluids and adequate support area for supplies, nutritional support, ice machines, blanket warmers, and nursing space is also required.”

How is interventional radiology equipment different?


The main focus when purchasing new equipment should be to make interventional radiologists’ workflow more ergonomic and make patient care more personalized. The following is a list of essential equipment that is required in an interventional radiology suite:


  • Imaging equipment:

Limiting radiation exposure is key for IRs. While lead aprons are commonly used they can weigh up to 15 pounds and increase pressure in the lumbar or cervical discs. Instead, today’s mobile technology like CT scanners can provide improved quality without high radiation exposure. Because interventional radiology is used during invasive procedures, it’s key for both radiologists and surgeons to clearly see what they’re working on. Using surgical displays can ensure any issues that come up are addressed immediately. Ultimately, they make any procedure safer while ensuring issues can be observed in real-time during crucial operations.

  • Ultrasound equipment:

Awkward positions are often adopted by professionals performing ultrasounds. Upper extremities are usually sustained in forceful gripping for long periods of time and are often conducive to work-related MSDs. In fact, ​​studies found that the average scan can lead to back, neck, and shoulder pain. To avoid the risk of MSDs, IRs should vary their exam postures throughout their working day.
Enter ergonomic workstations. Every radiologist needs the easy adjustability that an ergonomic desk setup will provide to stay productive. Ergonomic workstations that include adjustable heights, give IRs the possibility to switch their position, limiting the risk of postural and visual fatigue. Whether IRs are working sitting down or standing up, monitors should be placed just below eye level so that the neck muscles are relaxed at a downward viewing angle.


  • Medical grade computer monitors:

Today, medical grade monitors are revolutionizing the medical industry with their ability to provide faster, cost-effective, and convenient imaging services in contrast with traditional imaging departments in hospitals and third-party facilities. Using a large screen and a broadcast video system may allow an ergonomic multimodal visualization that ensures IRs, surgeons, and any other key personnel attending a procedure has a clear picture.


Why interventional radiology equipment is key to improving your radiology teams efficiency


Work-related MSDs don’t only cause pain and discomfort during procedures, but affect IRs during their time off work. This can lead to burnout, a response to stress that involves both physical and emotional exhaustion and cognitive weariness. The risk with healthcare professionals having burnout is that ultimately it can affect their cardiovascular health and cause depression. However, promoting the wellness of IRs can help prevent this.

Interventional radiology suite design was created to make a safer, more efficient, and productive work environment for IRs. By investing in an IR suite, you can further optimize the performance and well-being of IRs while significantly reducing the risk of MSDs in your healthcare facility.


Get started with an ​​interventional radiology suite that will make your radiology practice more productive


Ergonomics In RadiologyWhen it comes to making an important investment in your healthcare facility, you want to make sure you do so through a reliable company that has a thorough understanding of your needs. With over 30 years of experience in the high-performance display industry, Double Black Imaging provides ways to make imaging more efficient. Dedicated to building long-term customer relationships, they are committed to supporting quality products with exceptional customer service.

Double Black Imaging offers the latest mobile medical imaging technology as well as ergonomic workstations at competitive prices and can walk you through how to implement it in your healthcare organization. Contact Double Black Imaging for help with making the most of your purchase, or take a look at our latest ergonomic workstations.